《Are they yours?》Lost and found PPT教学课件下载

  • 所属频道:外研版七年级英语下册
  • 更新时间:2023-06-27
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:1760 KB
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  • 附件类型:.rar

《Are they yours?》Lost and found PPT教学课件下载《Are they yours?》Lost and found PPT教学课件下载

外研版七年级英语下册《Are they yours?》Lost and found PPT教学课件下载,共20页。

Learning targets


1) 能够正确使用下列单词和短语:camera, mobile phone, in a hurry, leave, hundreds of, look for…

2) 能读懂有关失物招领的短文,能写出一则招领启事



Free talk

Have you seen the lost and found offices before?

What do they look like?

What things are in the lost and found offices? 

Language points

1. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙

She went to the school in a hurry. 她匆匆忙忙地去学校了。

Don’t be in a hurry. 不要着急。

2. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and taxis.  他们把东西落在飞机、火车、公交车和出租车上。

leave 这里表示“落下,遗忘”,它还有很多其他的含义:

1) 表示“离开”,例如:

Nancy wants to be a doctor when she leaves school. 南希毕业后想当一名医生。

2) 表示“把(某人或某物)留在(某处)”,例如:

I often leave the kids with Susan. 


3) 表示“留到,留待”,例如:

Leave it another week, then tell he’ll have to decide. 把此事再放一周,到时告诉他必须做出决定。

4) leave 还可以用作名词,表示“假期,休假”,例如:

I have to ask for three day’s leave.  我得请三天假。

3.two hundred cows  两百头奶牛

当 hundred 与 of 连用时,它后边的名词和它本身都用复数,

例如: hundreds of cows 几百头奶牛

4.that’s why 表示“是……的原因”,常用于句首,后面跟的是结果。如:We make a plan for this year. That’s why we work hard every day.


5.辨析look for 与 find

Look for意为“寻找”,只有目的的找,强调“寻找”这一动作。

What are you looking for?你在找什么?

Find 意为“发现,找到”,强调找的结果,其宾语是某个东西。I can’t find my bag.


Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. When do people often lose things?

People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry.

2. Why are there lost and found offices  at airports and stations?

Because people leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis.

3. What do people do at the lost and  found office?

They look for things they have lost.

4. What strange things are there at the New York City Lost and Found Office?

There are about a hundred bikes, a large boat, a lot of animals and some sausages.


How do we write the lost note?

Title (what the note is about)

Photo(what it looks like?)

What is it

What it looks like

What your phone number is

How do we write the found note?

Title (what the note is about)

Photo(what it looks like?)

What is it

What your phone number is

… … …

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