《We’ve got lots of apples》PPT免费下载

  • 所属频道:外研版七年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2023-06-26
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:3999 KB
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《We've got lots of apples》PPT免费下载《We've got lots of apples》PPT免费下载

外研版七年级英语上册《We’ve got lots of apples》PPT免费下载,共31页。

Learning Objectives

By the end of the class, we will be able to:

1.understand the conversation about food and drink;

2.master the affirmative and negative structures of “have got” and its questions and answers.

Words and Expressions

food  n. 食物、食品

drink  n. 饮料  v.喝

candy  n. 糖果

fruit  n.水果

meat  n.肉

vegetable  n.蔬菜


There are many kinds of food and drink in our life.

Do you know what are these in English?

Free talk

—What’s your favourite food and drink?

—My favourite food is …

My favourite drink is …

Listen and read

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

1.What are they talking about?

2. Is too much chocolate good for our healthy?

3. What kind of meat do they get?

4. What kind of fruit do they get? 

5. Has Tony got any cola?

Check the answers.

1.What are they talking about?

They are talking about going shopping for food and drink.

2. Is too much chocolate good for our healthy?

No, it isn’t.

3. What kind of meat do they get?

They get some chicken.

4. What kind of fruit do they get? 

They get some oranges.

5. Has Tony got any cola?

No, he hasn’t.


Work in pairs. Make a shopping list and complete the table.

Student A: Make a list of things you need.

Student B: Make a list of things you’ve got.

Now ask and answer.

-Have we got any…?

-Yes, we have. We’ve got some…/No, we haven’t.

… … …

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