《Language in use》Wonders of the world PPT课件3

  • 所属频道:外研版九年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2017-03-13
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2003及以上版本(.ppt)
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《Language in use》Wonders of the world PPT课件3《Language in use》Wonders of the world PPT课件3《Language in use》Wonders of the world PPT课件3

《Language in use》Wonders of the world PPT课件3


时  态




一般现在时   动词原形或 动词+s / es

一般过去时   动词过去式

一般将来时 will +V.

现在进行时 am/is /are +V. ing

过去进行时 was/ were +V. ing 

现在完成时 have /has +P.P

三 、时态的用法


A. 表述现阶段或经常性的动作,状态。


He goes to school by bike every day.

B. 表客观真理


The earth goes round the sun.

C. 表计划,决定,时刻表。

The train leaves at 17:40.

D. 用于时间,条件,方式,让步状语从句中,表示将要发生的动作。

If you speak slowly, I understand.

If  it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go on a picnic.

… … …

5. 过去进行时

1. 构成: was / were + doing

2. 用法一:


I was reading a book at 5 p.m. yesterday.

What were they doing just now? 

My mother was washing clothes at 9 last night.

What was he researching all day last Sunday? 


S1: What were you doing while Li Jie was getting ready to go out?

S2: I was sleeping while Li Jie was getting ready to go out.

S1: What were you doing while she was tavelling on the underground?

S2: I _______ while she was travelling on the underground.

用法三: 描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。

My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle.

It was raining when they left the station. 

过去进行时常与when, while连用,意思是




… … …


Fill in the blanks, using the proper tenses. 

1.“There is  no need ______(rush), ladies and gentlemen,” said the conductor.” we_______ (leave) until all the passengers _________(board) the train.

2.“How ___ you _______(get) along with your business ,Tim ?” asked the boss , which_______ (show) his concern for me. 

3. I opened the door only to find it ____ (be) my neighbour, who ______ (ring)  the doorbell.  

4.“I___________ (stay) in the room, watching TV,” I told the policeman who __________(drive) here to question me . 

5.“Mr White can’t be in his office.” I told Lily, “I______ just ______(be) there .”

6. I______ (think) that I________(bring) the key with me ,but I must _______(leave) it in my office before I______ (go) home.

… … …

Language practice

I visited the Giant’s Causeway two years ago.

It produces electricity for millions of people in China.

I’ve never seen it, so I’m not sure I agree with you.

I looked to the east — the sky was becoming grey.

You’ll get there in five minutes.

Am I going the right way?

… … …

1.Explain the difference in meaning between Sentences a) and b)

1.a) I often play basketball.

b) I’m playing basketball now.

2.a) She’s gone to the Great Wall.

b) She’s been to the Great Wall twice.

3. a) They had an English class yesterday.

b) They were having an English class at nine o’clock yesterday morning.

4. a) He is doing an interview.

b) He has done an interview.

… … …

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

appear  finish  give  rain  talk  visit  walk

1.Listen! It ________ outside.

2.The great musician ________a concert in Guangzhou next month.

3. Last summer, my parents ______ the Terracotta Army in Xi’an.

4. He ____ already ______a new book about travel.

5. Thousands of people _____ along the Great Wall every year.

6. A few minutes later, a stranger _____ at the end of the street.

7. The students _______ about the journey to the Grand Canyon when the teacher came into the classroom.

… … …

1. in the south of England 位于英格兰南部 

1. China is ___ the east of Asia.

2. Taiwan Province is ___ the southeast of China.

3. Sichuan province is ___  the north of Guizhou province.

4. Japan is ___ the east if China.

2. because of … 因为……(介词短语,后接名词、代词或动名词)

We have to put off the basketball match because of the heavy rain.

because conj. 因为(其后接句子)

I’m late, because the weather is too bad.

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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