
  • 所属频道:外研版二年级英语下册
  • 更新时间:2017-01-02
  • 素材版本:Word2007及以上版本(.docx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:15 kb
  • 显示比例:普屏4:3
  • 附件类型:.rar



What’s the weather like? I like swimming She’s listening to the radio I’m drawing a picture Sam isn’t tidying his room Are you doing your homework? What are you doing? What’s he doing? Lingling is skipping What are the kids playing? I usually play basketball My grandma usually cooks It’s Children’s Day today We’re having a picnic The train is going up a hill The horse is turning around Turn left Where do you live? It’s next to the park He’s helping a child 期中考试期末考试
  • 《What’s the weather like?》PPT课件
  • 《What’s the weather like?》PPT课件2
  • 《What’s the weather like?》PPT课件3
  • 《What’s the weather like?》PPT课件4
  • 《What’s the weather like?》PPT课件5
  • 《I like swimming》PPT课件
  • 《She’s listening to the radio》PPT课件
  • 《She’s listening to the radio》PPT课件2
  • 《She’s listening to the radio》PPT课件3
  • 《I’m drawing a picture》PPT课件
  • 《I’m drawing a picture》PPT课件2
  • 《I’m drawing a picture》PPT课件3
  • 《Sam isn’t tidying his room》PPT课件
  • 《Sam isn’t tidying his room》PPT课件2
  • 《Sam isn’t tidying his room》PPT课件3
  • 《Are you doing your homework?》PPT课件
  • 《Are you doing your homework?》PPT课件2
  • 《What are you doing?》PPT课件
  • 《What are you doing?》PPT课件2
  • 《What are you doing?》PPT课件3
  • 《What are you doing?》PPT课件4
  • 《What’s he doing?》PPT课件
  • 《What’s he doing?》PPT课件2
  • 《Lingling is skipping》PPT课件
  • 《Lingling is skipping》PPT课件2
  • 《Lingling is skipping》PPT课件3
  • 《What are the kids playing?》PPT课件
  • 《What are the kids playing?》PPT课件2
  • 《I usually play basketball》PPT课件
  • 《I usually play basketball》PPT课件2
  • 《I usually play basketball》PPT课件3
  • 《I usually play basketball》PPT课件4
  • 《My grandma usually cooks》PPT课件
  • 《My grandma usually cooks》PPT课件2
  • 《My grandma usually cooks》PPT课件3
  • 《It’s Children’s Day today》PPT课件
  • 《It’s Children’s Day today》PPT课件2
  • 《It’s Children’s Day today》PPT课件3
  • 《It’s Children’s Day today》PPT课件4
  • 《It’s Children’s Day today》PPT课件5
  • 《We’re having a picnic》PPT课件
  • 《We’re having a picnic》PPT课件2
  • 《The train is going up a hill》PPT课件
  • 《The train is going up a hill》PPT课件2
  • 《The train is going up a hill》PPT课件3
  • 《The train is going up a hill》PPT课件4
  • 《The horse is turning around》PPT课件
  • 《The horse is turning around》PPT课件2
  • 《Turn left》PPT课件
  • 《Turn left》PPT课件2
  • 《Where do you live?》PPT课件3
  • 《It’s next to the park》PPT课件
  • 《It’s next to the park》PPT课件2
  • 《It’s next to the park》PPT课件3
  • 《He’s helping a child》PPT课件
  • 《He’s helping a child》PPT课件2


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