《What would you like?》PartA PPT课件下载(第1课时)

  • 所属频道:人教版五年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2024-03-04
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:3996 KB
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《What would you like?》PartA PPT课件下载(第1课时)《What would you like?》PartA PPT课件下载(第1课时)

人教版五年级英语上册《What would you like?》PartA PPT课件下载(第1课时),共24页。

Warm up

Lat’s chant

Drink some water. Drink some water.

Eat some fish. Eat some fish.

Eat some rice. Eat some rice.

Cut the cake. Cut the cake.


Look at the picture. 

Who are they?

Sarah, father and mother.

Where are they?

They are at home.

What are they talking about?

They are talking about the food.

Language points

1. —What would you like to eat?

—A sandwich, please.

【详解】这组对话用来询问及回答某人想吃什么。可以用食物直接回答,也可以用“主语 + would like + 食物名称.”回答。 

Would like可以缩写成“’d like”。

句型结构:What + would + 主语 + like to eat?

回答:主语 + would like + 食物名称. /食物名称.

2. I’m hungry.


句型结构:主语 + be 动词 + 表示感受的形容词.

e.g.  I’m cold.

The poor little boy is thirsty.

We are happy today.


一列同学前一个问,后一个答,答者接着问下一个同学。进行What would you like to eat/drink? I’d like …问答练习。看看哪列同学速度最快,说得最标准。


1. 学习了新的食物名词:sandwich, tea。


—What would you like to eat/drink?

—I’d like …/…

… … …

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