《Language in use》Healthy food PPT下载

  • 所属频道:外研版七年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2022-07-08
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2003及以上版本(.ppt)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:1518 KB
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《Language in use》Healthy food PPT下载《Language in use》Healthy food PPT下载

外研版七年级英语上册《Language in use》Healthy food PPT下载,共22页。

Language practice

We’ve got lots of apples.

We haven’t got any meat.

She hasn’t got any coffee.

Have we got any chocolate?

Yes, we have.

Let’s get some chicken.

We haven’t got any oranges.

have got 表示“某人拥有某物”第三人称单数做主语用has got 意为“有…”否定句直接在have/has后加not,一般疑问句:一提二改三问号。

Talk about the picture.

He has got some/a(n)…

He hasn’t got any…

She has got some/a(n)…

She hasn’t got any…

They have got some/a(n)…

They haven’t got any…

Give Mr Fat some advice.

1.Do some sports every morning.

2.Go to work by bike or on foot.

3.Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.

4.Don’t drink beer or cola.

5.Don’t eat too much meat.

6.Cheese or sugar is bad for him.

It’s important to remember:eat well, 

stay healthy, and don’t get fat.

… … … 

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