《My classroom》PartB PPT教学课件(第1课时)

  • 所属频道:人教版四年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2024-03-02
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:4116 KB
  • 显示比例:宽屏16:9
  • 附件类型:.rar

《My classroom》PartB PPT教学课件(第1课时)《My classroom》PartB PPT教学课件(第1课时)

人教版四年级英语上册《My classroom》PartB PPT教学课件(第1课时),共23页。

Warm up

Stand up, stand up, let’s stand up.

Touch the eye, touch the eye, let’s touch the eye.

Open the book, open the book, let’s open the book.

Sit down, sit down, let’s sit down.

Lead in

What place is it?

It’s a classroom.

What are the children doing? 

They are cleaning the classroom.

What is the boy doing? 

He is cleaning the teacher’s desk.

This girl is cleaning the window.

clean the window

Language points

Let’s clean the classroom! 

Let me clean the teacher’s desk. 

【详解】 let’s/ let me 意为“我们/ 我……(做某事)吧”,用来提出行动建议。 Let’s是let us的缩写形式,后面接动词原形。

句型结构: Let’s/ Let me + 动词原形 + 其他.

eg. — Let’s clean the teacher’s desk. 

— Let’s go to the zoo. 

— Let me help you. 

Let’s play in groups. Then come to the front and show.

clean the windows

clean the blackboard

clean the desks

clean the teacher’s desk


1. 复习了单词:teacher’s desk, clean, help,掌握了如何用这些单词表达打扫教室里的物品。

2. 学习了用句型Let’s/ Let me … 表达建议:

— Let’s clean the classroom.

— OK.

— Let me clean the teacher’s desk.

— Let me clean the windows.

… … …

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