《Language in use》Life now and then PPT免费课件

  • 所属频道:外研版九年级英语下册
  • 更新时间:2023-07-03
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
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《Language in use》Life now and then PPT免费课件《Language in use》Life now and then PPT免费课件

外研版九年级英语下册《Language in use》Life now and then PPT免费课件,共47页。

Language practice

People are wealthier today, and they live longer than they did in the past.

But people don’t take as much exercise as they used to.

More people have cars, and they walk or use their bikes less.

We eat better and we live longer.


Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets.

For many people, life is a lot (1) _______ (easy) today. Medicine and diet are improving, and people are getting (2) ________ (healthy) and living (3) ________ (long). But communication is changing (4) __________ (fast) of all. Today, with the Internet, people can communicate (5) __________ (easily) than ever before with friends all over the world.

Not all the changes are (6) ________ (good) ones. More people drive cars instead of riding bikes, so they are not as (7) ________ (fit) as they were.  Increasing traffic makes the roads (8) ____________ (crowded) than ever, and it also makes pollution (9) ________ (bad). We must all work harder to reduce pollution.

Read the email again. Find sentences that tell us:

1. There was not enough living space for people.

2. Most of the big cities were dirty and unhealthy.

3. Life was harder for children in those times.

Write examples.

1. People lived in very small houses, very close to each other, with no space for children to play.

2. The pollution from factories filled the air. People put their rubbish outside in the streets. 

3. They didn’t always go to school, because they had to work instead. 

Learning to learn

When you do a listening or reading exercise, you should read the instructions carefully. Then you can focus your attention just on the information you need. You don’t have to understand every word.

Hold the debate.

Those for the motion give their opinions.

Those against the motion give their opinions.

Take turns to say what you think about each other’s arguments.


1. think of… as 把……看作

eg: I think of you as my friend. 我把你当作我的朋友。

think of… as意为“把……看作”,此处的as是介词,后可接名词(短语)等。类似的短语还有consider… as, look on… as, regard… as等。

eg: They regard him as their friend.


2. find out 找出;查明


eg: We must find out who broke the window today. 


3. as a result 因此,结果

eg: It was late at night and there was no bus. As a result, we had to walk home.



本节课主要学习了以过去生活和现在生活的不同为主要内容的邮件,掌握了知识点think of… as, find out, as a result的用法,做了练习题并进行了语言练习。

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