《What would you like?》PartB PPT课件下载(第2课时)

  • 所属频道:人教版五年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2024-03-04
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:4903 KB
  • 显示比例:宽屏16:9
  • 附件类型:.rar

《What would you like?》PartB PPT课件下载(第2课时)《What would you like?》PartB PPT课件下载(第2课时)

人教版五年级英语上册《What would you like?》PartB PPT课件下载(第2课时),共26页。

Lead in

It’s cold. 

You often eat it in summer.

It’s sweet.

Let’s have a guess.

It’s a kind of western food.

You can see vegetables and fruit in it, like apples, strawberries, bananas.

It’s healthy.

What can you see in the picture?

Grapes and green leaves.

So they are fresh.

Is the milk fresh?

No, it isn’t.

Practice in pairs.

以“What’s your favourite food?”为话题,使用五个新单词中的一个或几个进行对话。


A: What’s your favourite vegetables?

B: Tomatoes. They‘re delicious.

A: What’s your favourite food?

B: Fresh vegetables. They are healthy.


1. 学习了下列单词:fresh, healthy, delicious, hot, sweet。

2. 学习了询问某人喜欢什么的句型:

—What’s your favourite food?

—Ice cream.

3. 学习了描述事物特征和味道的句型:It’s sweet/hot/…

… … …

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