《My classroom》PartA PPT教学课件(第2课时)

  • 所属频道:人教版四年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2024-03-02
  • 素材版本:PowerPoint2007及以上版本(.pptx)
  • 下载类型:免费下载
  • 文件大小:5484 KB
  • 显示比例:宽屏16:9
  • 附件类型:.rar

《My classroom》PartA PPT教学课件(第2课时)《My classroom》PartA PPT教学课件(第2课时)

人教版四年级英语上册《My classroom》PartA PPT教学课件(第2课时),共29页。

Warm up

Book, book, where is the book? Where is the book?

Desk, desk, it’s on the desk. It’s on the desk.

Crayon, crayon, where is the crayon? Where is the crayon?

Desk, desk, it’s in the desk. It’s in the desk. 

Lead in

What’s in the classroom?

One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs … 

Let’s learn

This is Zip and Zoom’s new classroom. What’s in the classroom? 

Let’s listen. 

What’s in the classroom?

One blackboard, one computer, many desks and chairs …

Language points

—What’s in the classroom? 教室里有什么?

— One blackboard, one computer, many desks and chairs … 


【详解】 What’s是What is的缩写形式,in意为“在……里面”。此句是用来询问某处是(有)什么的句型。

句型结构:What is + 介词短语?

回答:数词 + 名词.

【注意】 不管某处的东西是什么,是单数形式还是复数形式,一般用what’s,而不用what are。

— What’s in the pencil box? 铅笔盒里有什么?

— A ruler and two pencils. 一把尺子和两支铅笔。


1. 学习了下列单词:classroom, blackboard, light, picture, door, window

2. 学习了下列句型:

— What’s in the classroom?

— One blackboard, one computer, many desks and chairs …

3. 学习了下列句子:

Open the door.      Turn on the light.

Close the window.   Put up the picture.      

Clean the blackboard.

… … …

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