《Language in use》Save our world PPT下载

  • 所属频道:外研版九年级英语上册
  • 更新时间:2023-07-03
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《Language in use》Save our world PPT下载《Language in use》Save our world PPT下载

外研版九年级英语上册《Language in use》Save our world PPT下载,共34页。


1.To summarize and consolidate the rules of word building.

2.To know how to protect the environment.

3.To practice word-building: compounds, derivatives, conversion

Language practice

Reuse means “use again”.

Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.

Learning to learn

Sometimes if you know the meaning of the parts of a word, you can work out the meaning of the whole word.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

hopeful   impossible   reuse   unhealthy  wasteful

1. Polluted water is _________.

2. It is _________ to throw so much food away.

3. If you look after things well, you may _______ some of them later.

4. It is _________ to clean up the whole river in such a short time.

5. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be _________.

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 

What kinds of things can be recycled?

paper, plastic

How can these things be reused?

Many paper and plastic things can be used more than one time. Or we can change these things into decorations made by us. 

How does this help the  environment?

We don’t need to cut down more trees to make paper if we reuse papers.

Have you ever recycled  or used things that can be  recycled?   How?

I ever recycled to use paper cup, I just use them to make some small decorations such as pen container. 

Language points

work out解决;计算;产生结果;设计出

eg:The plan worked out badly.


See if you can work out this problem. 


go dark 变暗


考点1 :

某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越……”。

eg:He is growing taller and taller.


Our life is getting better and better.


考点2 :


eg:John got wounded while playing football last Saturday. 


考点3 :

get :“变得”,在口语中用得很多。

become :“变成,成为(好坏情况均可)”。后接形容词、名词、过去分词作表语。

go :“变得(某种由好到坏的情况)”,可表示颜色的变化或语态的变化。

turn :“变成”,强调与原来不同的、新的变化,如变质、变色等。

grow :“逐渐变得……”,强调其变化过程.

… … …

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